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; release Date - 2013; directed by - Bong Joon Ho; Genre - Sci-Fi; Creators - Jean-Marc Rochette; Runtime - 2 Hour, 6Minutes

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Snowpiercer train. A little over two hour train ride over frozen tundra. This futuristic drama pictures most of the humans alive on the planet after a failed climate-control experiment fails. What seems left of the human race is segregated aboard the Snowpiercer, a train that travels constantly around the world by way of a perpetual-motion engine. The forced class system brews a bloody, ruthless revolution.
Very graphic with more than its share of disturbing images. On this train is the stain of the human condition. Leading the cast is Chris Evans. Truly an inspired movie with a strong international cast including: John Hurt, Ed Harris, Kang-ho Song, Octavia Spencer, Ah-sung Ko, Jamie Bell and Tilda Swinton. Snowpiercer 720p. Snowpiercer 2020. Snowpiercer director. Snowpiercer novel.

Snowpiercer tv show cast. Once again Joon Ho Bong strikes again. what a great film.
The sort of political film that hides behind genre and action in order to deliver a powerful message. Everyone is satisfied - if you like action-packed, fast paced movies: this is for you. If you like films with deep meaning that will stay with you: this is for you too.
Enjoy this fantastic piece.

My first reaction is why is it getting rereleased? Then it was followed by too many why moments

You"re the first human being to walk from the tail, to the front. What about the kid who was sent to work in the engine? Did he float to the front. I really loved the film but i have litle problem with the end. For me the film should have just fade to black when the train is destroyed and stops because. well its just the end of humanity. Ok the 17 yo girl and the 5 yo boy survives but. so what? They have no chance on surviving more than one week. If they wanted to show how humanity still have a chance they should have shown more people coming out from the train If they wanted to show that is better to die free rather than living opressed i would like to se the girl and boy dying outside of it (something like the girl coming out of the train whit the boy behind and slowly falling as they walk away. Yes i know i like bad endings ¬¬) I just wasnt really pleased with that image because for me it was quite meningless.

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